Friday, March 27, 2015

Galapagos Islands Snorkeling and Fish

John L. captured this beautiful shot of a sea turtle.

Connie took this next series of pics of a sea lion that befriended Connie and Mary Ellen.  The sea lion brought Connie a blowfish as a gift.  Note the blowfish in the sea lions mouth in one of these pics.  Connie was using an Olympus TG-3.

This sea lion swam playfully with several of us that day and sometimes would stop right in front of us and look us in the eyes.  It was as if the sea lion expected us to play with him and clap for his antics.

Blowfish is either dead or running for its life.        Blowfish in the sea lion's mouth.

Connie C. took these great photos of us snorkeling in the Galapagos Islands.
Tina snorkeling.  Note her red gloves and the marvelous reflections from the surface of the extremely clear water.

John snorkeling.  Note his gaudy swim trunks.

John front view.

Three more more fish pics by Jim M.
Yellowtail Surgeonfish,

Frigate bird over our "Treasure of Galapagos".  He heard about our wonderful meals prepared by Wilson and Katy and was hoping for a hand out.

School of fish.  Maybe a needle fish??  We snorkeled over many schools of fish.  The only school we snorkeled over that I knew their name was when we were over a school of White Tipped Reef Sharks.  I kept a very close eye on them and made no derogatory remarks about sharks.

And here they are, the White Tipped Reef Sharks!  They were about 6 feet long, but Jessica said they did not want to eat us.  Photo by Maggie D.

They usually slept at the bottom during the day and were more active at night.  On this day, some were swimming and some were sleeping.  Note the white tips on the dorsal and tail fins of this guy.

More photos to come!

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